Good experiences have long half-lives. No where is that more evident at Outdex Alumni reunions (for consultants and staff who worked at the former CSC Index) like the one held at the Tennis & Racquet Club in Boston last night. Along with my co-hosts Chris Regan and Jon Tepper and his wife who made the food run, I was pleased to see a great turnout at our semi-annual gathering, attributable at least in part to the fact that significant others and family were asked explicitly to join in. Although I had to fill in for Carol Youngclaus who usually holds court at the sign-in table, I had a chance to catch up with many old friends, like Kay Coleman; Marie Pechet; Al Dodge; Tom and Jodi Davenport; Tom, Anna and Tommy Garrity; Ritarose Williams; Mark Zawacki; Lois Slavin and Mick; the good Mr. McGovern; Peter Hay; Steve Stulk; Jay Rodgers; John Thompson; Steve Hoffman; John Goode, Kris Hyde; the Luconi family; Mary Foxx; Jayme Saks (and fiance'); Gary Gulden; master networker Brad Power; Molly Alger; the courageous Glenn Mangurian; Adam C. and Chuck Callan (who'll be one of our hosts next time). [Please forgive me if I've omitted your name - it was a long night]. Hats off also to Tom, who kept the drinks and conversation flowing.
Pictures follow for those who had to miss for unavoidable reasons (Glen T and Carol Y - you were missed).